Calvet Varietals Cabernet Sauvignon 750ML
Volume: 750ML
Brand: Calvet
Category: Wine / Red Wine
Country: France
Alcohol: 13%
Calvet Varietals Cabernet Sauvignon is a red wine of France with red fruit, blackcurrant, green peppers, with notes of spices and hay on the nose. It’s got a palate of Fine tannic body, this wine is characterise by notes of liquorice, fine flavor and long persistante. The wine making process; Intense extraction are carried out with multiple pump-overs during the fermentation and maceration periods.
Colour: Limpid, very intense garnet red to purple, almost black.
Nose: Red fruit, blackcurrant, green peppers, with notes of spices and hay, typical from this variety.
Palate: Fine tannic body, this wine is characterise by notes of liquorice, fine flavor and long persistante.
Recommendations: This red wine may be served with red meat such as beef, game, cold meats, salad and many types of cheese.