Grant’s Signature 750ML
Volume: 750ML
Brand: Grant’s
Category: Whisky / Regular Whisky
Country: Scotland
Alcohol: 40%
Grant’s Signature with a rich and malty character with warm caramel and biscuit notes is the latest edition from the Grant’s family of Blended Scotch Whiskies. It is made at the Girvan distillery on the west coast of Scotland. The basis for the blend is widely acclaimed Girvan Grain Whisky which Master Blender expertly blends with other grain whiskies and some of the world’s best Single Malts to create the distinctly unique taste of Signature.
Tasting Notes
Nose: Vanilla, candied fruits, bags of caramel. Spices lurk in the background.
Taste: Initially crisp and fresh, then malty. Creamy vanilla, sponge, and toasted coconut.
Finish: Big, warm, and full of sweetness and spices. Just a touch of dryness from the oak.