Ballantine’s 17 Years 750ML
Volume: 750ML
Brand: Ballantine’s
Category: Whisky / Premium Whisky
Country: Scotland
Alcohol: 40%
Ballantine’s 17 Years Old is a classic Blended Scotch Whisky, blended since the 1930’s featuring all the flavors of Scotland, with a careful combination of malt and grain whiskies from all over Scotland. It combines refined, sweet oak on the nose and a luscious body to create one glorious whisky. It’s full-bodied with complex dessert fruit, sweet pears and figs offering honeyed sweetness with hints of oak and peat smoke. A testament to the art of the master blender, and fiercely championed by Jim Murray.
Tasting Notes
Colour: Clear, golden amber.
Nose: Smooth vanilla and oak with a sensation of smoke.
Taste: Full and complex, vibrant honey sweetness and creamy vanilla flavours with hints of oak and spicy liquorice.
Finish: Long, sweet and smooth with a hint of spice.