Vat 69 750ML
Volume: 750ML
Brand: VAT 69
Category: Whisky / Regular Whisky
Country: Scotland
Alcohol: 40%
Vat 69 is a blended Scotch Whisky produced by William Sanderson & Son Limited. Blended using 40 different malt and grain whiskies with each other at the optimal ripening stage to ensure the best blend.
It is smooth, balanced spirit with upfront malty, heather sweetness and a lovely peat smoke savoury finish.
Tasting Notes
Nose: shows caramel, lemon zest, and soft wood spices.
Palate: touch of menthol and cinnamon and there’s an average malty quality and body to the whisky, not too rich, not too thin.
Finish: dry, but soft.
Savour it neat, on ice, with a mixer or in a cocktail.